Ritual with Mara Marte


Mara Marte rituals

Her path started in the magical Sintra forests, dancing and singing by the moon, creating rituals to honour nature while diving in her learnings. Intuitive singing was a secret passion… Today, she shares with you: unique rituals & health treatments in all layers of your body: physical, emotional & energetic. She wants you to thrive!


Checkup 𓆃

Meeting to listen to your body & offer you the best combination of my integrative treatments: healing your physical, emotional & energetic body.

Therapeutical massage & health treatments with Mara Marte

Lomi-lomi hawaiian massage

Tai facial massage

Japanese lifting

Facial reflexology

Hot stones massage

Lipomodeling & bamboo therapy

Therapy & medicinal tecniques with Mara Marte

Craniosacral therapy

Lymph drainnage

Chi nei tsang organs detox

Cupping therapy

Tui-Na chinese treatment

Healing energy with Mara Marte

Quigong ~ Chi kung

Quantum Therapy

Herbal ritual

Tea rituals with Mara Marte

Viagem Chámanica: unique tea ceremony with Mara Marte learnings in Astrology, Herbalism & Quatum therapy in your event program!

🪐 Singing-story & dance tea ritual (groups)


🧚🏾‍♀️ Singing-story & dance tea ritual (kids)

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